Monday, April 26, 2010

In A...Place.

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Purpose: To update.

So, I know I haven't updated very recently. So here is the gist of things. Life is good. I have avoided talking to my mom about Bethel in person due to not wanting to argue. I have officially applied to Bethel, just waiting for one more reccomendation to be sent in for them to make a date for an over-the-phone interview. And I am I also realized something...


I used to just, not want to talk about my kingdom citizenship status. Because I knew that other people had different beliefs and I didn't want to offend them because they didn't believe what I believe. Now. I just don't care. I will talk about my life and love for God all I want to. And I don't care what people think or say.

Yep. Not a lot to say. Just, life is happening.

God Bless.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Between A Rock And A Hard Place.

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Position: The title.

I am officially in a place that I never thought I would be in. How naiive. I want to go to Bethel. But my mom doesn't want me to. Why you may ask? Because of the negative things people have written that she has found on Google. It's like, what am I supposed to do? I know what God wants for me, and I am always going to choose God over my family. And I know that sounds harsh or crazy or something. But it says you will not put anyone above God, so I don't. Not even my family. I do however love my family dearly. Like they are right up there. Just not above. I appreciate my families concern. I just see no point in being concerned. I am not killing myself. I am going to an amazing school that will change me for the better. It's just hard.

I don't want to have my family think negative things about me, but at the same time, I don't really care what they think. It's like, I love my family. But I know what's right for me. I'm not making a mistake. I am not going to be "brainwashed" and I am not stupid. I know what I am doing. I know that God loves me and I know I still have a lot of learning to do. But I know in my heart where I am to go. I feel that I am meant to go to Bethel. In my heart of hearts. That it is right that I applied. And now, due to my family, it's like doubt and fear has crept in. I dislike it very much so.

God is my strength. He is my hope. And he is my future. And I just don't see how people can't see that. I don't know. I just am at a place where I have to fully and completely lean on God to give me strength and perseverence. Because this is going to be a tough fight. And there could potentially be plenty more blogs of me complaining. But I love God with every fiber of my being. He is my life.

God Bless.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Life Changing Choices.

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Purpose: Change.

So, today I just feel like my heart is completely set on going to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. I have decided that I am going to apply. And then it all goes into God's hands. If he wants me to move to Redding, CA. Then I will be accepted at the school. That is my theory and I am sticking to it. My mind is set. But my heart and mind are just going to have to get ready for the change.

I have lived in Astoria for so long, it's my home town. My family lives here and everyone I know lives here. It's going to be heartbreaking the moment I leave. Or the moment I realize that I am actually going to go. Because I will be leaving behind everything I know. Everything I love. I won't be able to just catch a 75 cent bus ride to go and visit my mom. I won't be able to go downstairs and visit my grandma. But I know change is good for me. As much as I will probably cry my eyes out, I know it's for the best that I embrace change. And that isn't the easiest thing to do. But I know that I can.

So here I am. On the edge of life. On the edge of a huge change in my life. Will things work out the way I think they will? I hope. But it's all in God's hands. He holds the world and is in control of my destiny. I have full faith and trust in him and know that whatever he has in the agenda called my life, will be good for me. Through thick and thin I will always have faith and trust in the God of the universe. The God who saved me from oblivion. My Papa who loves me with every single fiber of his being. The Papa who I love with everything that I have and everything I am. And I know God will always love me and be by my side no matter what I choose or where I go. I love you all.

God Bless.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Presence and Decisions.

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Subject: Glory.

Oh my goodness. This weekend was amazing. I was surrounded by loving friends who I consider close family. And I met a lot of new very awesome people who I have fallen in love with and are now a part of my very large family. God's glory was just so thick this last weekend. His presence was tangible and beautiful. And I honestly don't have words that could ever describe the love I felt this weekend.

And now I have some big decisions. Big ol' life decisions:

One. I can move to Longview with my friend Heather. And we can be super amazing roommates with a super amazing apartment and it would be super cool. Because she is super cool and I love her. And talking about it was exciting and scary. We were just going to live together. And I was going to work. And it kind of would have been how it is right now. Except I would be leaving my entire support system in Astoria. Yes, I have some family in Longview. And I have made a few friends. But all of my friends. All of my family would be left in Astoria. Including my cat. Which sounds funny but she is my baby. And I would be leaving Riverpoint. Which would probably be one of the hardest things ever. If it wasn't for Riverpoint, I don't know where I would be right now. Okay.

Two. I can move to Redding, CA and go to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. I have recently been told that in August, I can move with a family to Redding. I wouldn't have to pay too much rent and I would get meals for free. And I would get to be around God, like 24/7. I would kind of be required to. Haha. And I would be surrounded by people I love. Because so many of the people that I love the most live in Redding. And I would be learning how to deepen my relationship. I will be learning a lot about different aspects of everything. And I would become a stronger person altogether. But then again. I would be leaving my family. I would have a support system in Redding. A big and strong one. But I would still be leaving all my blood relatives. And I again would be leaving my cat. And Riverpoint.

Three. I could just stay here. Right here. In Astoria. Stuck in the life that I am living. I love my life. But I know there are bigger things for me then Astoria. I just know it. That I am meant to impact people. Lots and lots of people. And I impact some people here. But if I ever want to chase my dream of being a Worship/Christian recording artist. I can't stay in Astoria for the rest of my life.

It's a dilemma. That has recently occured. As I mean, only the Redding part. I really want to go. Like seriously want to go to Bethel. It would be such a blessing and life changing thing. I would grow so much in my faith and in myself in general. So really. It's not a dilemma. It's a decision. One that could change my life forever. It's just am I willing to take the plunge. Because all I want in my life is more of God. But am I willing to work for it.

So. Life. God, I need guidance. I only want your will in my life. I only want what you want in my life. Show me the way. Show me the direction you are taking me. I love you. Amen.

God Bless.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Revival in Astoria!

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Event: Revival Weekend!!!!

That's right! Revival. Last night Little John spoke in the Tussing's garage, where it all started, and it was INCREDIBLE! God moved so much last night. His presence was SO thick. Beautiful really. People getting touched and moved. I don't really know what to write right now. There is still a lot more of the weekend left. So I think I will update all yalls, if there is anyone reading, when the weekend is over. Because I know that God is going to move mightly. Because that is just how cool Papa is! :]

God Bless!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Giving It All In Worship.

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Passion: Worshipping God.

I love to worship God. With every thing that I am, I give it up to God through worship. Whether it be worshipping through song, or through my photography. Or through dancing around like a maniac. I love to just express my love for Jesus through worship. To glorify and exalt him. And I realized the best kind of prayers are the kinds that you sing. Or when you are talking to God. I realized singing it out is just so amazing. And he LOVES it. He called it beautiful. It made me feel all bubbly inside. And made me want to dance around. Oh, and I totally got confirmation on something today!! Like, I have been waiting for confirmation on if I was prophetic singer. And he gave it to me today!!!! It made me laugh, and smile. And I had been waiting for someone else to tell me. And God told me that I don't need to only get confirmation from other people. That I should get it from him first. That he is the one who will show me!!! :] It made me happy. I thank Tiffany because she reminded me that I need to talk to God. And then listen. I need to be heard AND hear. And I realized, it's totally totally true. I used to have problems with doubting what I hear. But I know it's only Satan who wants me to think that. And I will no longer give Satan control of my thoughts. They are mine. And I control them. WOOT WOOT!!!!

Wow, that was a totally long rant. But God is just SO good. He makes me happy. He makes me want to dance. Earlier, I was feeling so alone. So sad. But then Tiffany told me that I am loved and that I need to spend personal time with God. And I did, even if it was for maybe an hour or so, and it made me feel so much better. I really really don't know what I would do with my Papa. Everything about me has changed. For so much the better. I am a JesusFreak. Now and forever. All my life I will love God and nothing and no one will ever be able to change that. I am lost in his heart and don't want to be found. I love him with all of me. Everything I am. All that I need I can find in him. Yay!!!

I just hope that, whoever reads this, can feel as much love as I do from God. Because God is SOOOOO good. For reals.

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Beginning of Something New.

Name: Kassy
Age: 20
Purpose: Letting go.
Title: Life: An Adventure of Epic Proportions

Where do I begin? Well, you might be wondering why the title of my blog is "Life: An Adventure of Epic Proportions". That answer is simple really; because when you have God in your life, everything is EPIC. Or another answer could simply be that I just overexaggerate. Which could also work just as well.

The reason behind me starting this blog was because I was inspired by my friend Chelsea who started her own as well. And I realized something. That I could just write stuff down and it wouldn't matter one way or another if anyone read it, but it could potentially be read anyway. And then, I realized that I could impact people. People from anywhere and everywhere. So I decided to write stuff down about my life.

I am a Christian. And yet again, stealing an idea from Chelsea, I am a relationship Christian. Someone who is in a relationship with God. Religion=Rules. Relationship=Love. Understand? My life is completely and totally for God. Whatever he wants in my life, I want in my life. Wherever he leads me, I will go. And whoever comes across my way, I will tell them that I am completely in LOVE with God. I don't hold back my faith and I don't hold back my love. That's just who I am.

So, read on if you want. This is Day 1. Just following whatever goes on in my life. An adventure of epic proportions. God Bless!