Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Joy of The Lord is My Strength.

This picture. Is what I call glory. In the presence of God, you find the fullness of joy!
Lately, God has really be revealing some things to me that I never knew. Or even thought about. And it hasn't been until recently that God has really been pointing it out to me. Showing me where He was teaching me and why it's so important.
I understand that most of the things He has been showing me are things that really truly apply to everyone. But seem to be personal to me. Like He was saying, "This is specifically for you Kassy. Pay attention."
The joy of the Lord is my strength. Literally, it is in God's joy that I get my strength. And through that joy people are set free. A friend of mine recently prophesied over me, saying that it was through my joy that darkness was pulled out of people. Which to me is pretty crazy awesome. Joy breaks chains. Laughter is powerful. And many Christians don't realize that. Most think that the only true form of feeling God's presence is through tears and sadness. Which is very much untrue. God created joy. He IS Joy! Why else would when we get free of something holding us back, we get happy? It's because there is joy in freedom. And where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Which means there is joy in the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit are love, JOY, peace, righteousness, longsuffering [aka patience], etc. We are meant to bear fruit. And we know which fruits we are bearing by what they are. If we are joyful, then we are bearing fruits of the Spirit. Which even right now is ministering to me. Because I have a tendency to doubt my own faith. Not that I doubt God. But that I doubt myself. But through being joyful I have been working in the Spirit of God. And even if I am not worshipping, I am joyful. And people see that difference. And wonder why I am always so happy. And then want that joy for themselves. Which causes freedom. And salvation. So powerful joy is. That is one of the biggest things about me is how joyful I am. And God has really been wanting me to manifest that joy, and the enemy has been trying to take that joy away. Thankfully; greater is He who is in me then he who is in the world!!!!
Something that people have told me a lot also is that I shine. Which is something that may sound insignificant. But Moses shined when he was in the presence of God. Which again, is even showing me stuff right now. That when I am joyful, I shine. When I love, I shine. Because I am in the presence of God. Wow. That's amazing.
Pretty much, God has been showing me how I have been bearing the fruits of the Spirit and where the enemy is trying to take that away from me. But I will not settle for less then Jesus. And being just like Him. Because it is through Him, my life was changed, and saved. I am so joyful. God is so good to me. I wish everyone knew this. I wish everyone could see the love that God has for them.
I am just so very IN LOVE with God. He has changed me.
God Bless.