Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Personal Breakthrough.

So, if none of you know this.

I am fat.

Yes. I said it. Fat. The big "F" word that no girl ever wants to hear.

Recently, I have decided that I no longer want to be fat anymore. So....I have decided.

I am giving up my food addiction. And an eating disorder that I have been struggling with my entire life. You don't often see the word "fat" included when you talk about eating disorders. But mine is very different then the obvious ones. It is what you call "closet eating." Where you won't eat a lot around people. But then when you are alone, you eat....a ton. That is something I have struggle with for...ever. And, with that, an addiction to food. What can I say? I love food. It's good stuff. But not when you can't control the amount you eat. Especially when it got to the point where I would eat a lot of food, and be completely full, then like an hour later I would be starving.

I don't want anything like that be in control of me. No substance should ever have control over me. EVER! Food, was like a drug. But not anymore. I am done with it. I give it up. That is not me anymore.

I am strong and powerful. And through God all things are possible. So, it is possible for me to be skinny. And I will be skinny no matter what. Because, the Bible says to love God with your mind, soul, BODY and strength. And if I want to love God with my body, I have to take care of it. So this is me, telling all of you who are reading this, that I GIVE IT UP!

God, it is completely up to you when it comes to all....this. Haha.

I claim it over me, that I will be healthy and skinny!


Just wanted to share that with you.

God Bless.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


That is all.
God Bless.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's All About Love

As a christian, I am asked often what I think about homosexuality and do you know what I tell them?

I love them.

I think a lot of Christians fall short when it comes to loving people. Which almost seems like an oxymoron. Since we were given 2 main commandments. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul & strength. And to love your neighbor as yourself.

Not, love only the people you like. Being in ministry, that completely defeats the purpose.

So, I may not agree with the homosexual lifestyle or accept it. That does not mean that I do not love them all the same. They are human. They need love too.

The Bible also says to love your enemies. Which means, love muslims and murderers and all that. I know, that almost seems impossible, right? But it's the truth.

God is SO good! His heart is so pure. His soul is inescapably vast and amazing.

I can't explain to you how good He is.

So there we are. Love. It's all about love. That's all it's ever been about. Keeping it simple. Straight and to the point.

So. Just love.

God Bless.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Beauty Is All Around.

This picture is beautiful. By the way. I saw this and thought. Wow. That is just amazing. It's been a while since I have really taken in the artistic value and beauty of what God has created for our pleasure.

Take this sunset for example. It is incredibly beautiful. God created that, and all of creation, for us to marvel over. I mean, come on...the ocean alone is amazing. Not to mention the many amazing rain forests. And the beauty that the sun creates when it falls below the horizon. That doesn't just happen.

God paints us a picture every single night. And every single morning. And you know what's amazing? Is that is a way that creation worships God. Because the Word says that all creation worships God. That if we didn't worship God, the rocks would cry out. It's pretty spectacular.

I have been spending too much time focusing on my problems and putting myself first, that I forgot how good it feels to just give myself over to God. But when we had our worship session and Tiff's on New Years, I remembered. And realized. That there needs to be some realigning of my spirit. And I feel so good.

No more drama. No more feeding into drama. No more letting my emotions get the best of me.

My heart is melting in peace right now. And love. I can't even tell you how much I love God. I forgot. I kept forgetting.

It's so good to remember.

God is good. So worthy of my praise. So beautiful. Exemplifies beauty. Is far greater then I could ever imagine. How could I not love Him?

Well, that is all. I am done with my love rant. Well, not really but there is not enough time in the world to write down all that I feel for God.

Have a good night.

God Bless.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year!

It's 2011. And everyone asks.

"What's your new years resolution?"


Is to worship God with every single fiber of my being. No holding back.

Last night was SO amazing. Redefining New Years Parties.

A bunch of my friends went to another of our friends', Jed, house and hung out. Had a drum circle. And then went and had a bonfire in the freezing cold wind. And as much as it was ridiculously cold. It was so much fun.

Then, because his parents were asleep. We ended up at another friends, Tiffany's, apartment. And we worshiped and prophesied over each other. It was AMAZING!

SO many good words. I can't even explain.

It was SO amazing that I didn't end up home until 4:30am. AND I had to wake up at 9:30am to go to work. Haha!

Keep singing. Keep writing. A song that could cause a nation change.

A word that Kevin gave me. Because I have stopped really writing songs. I haven't really even started. I don't know why. But it was pretty amazing.

And Micah, one of the 2 new guys I met who didn't know me very well, gave me a word. Telling me that I was amazing and that I shine bright.

I know, to some they may seem very miniscule or unimportant. But to me, they were spot on. To many things. It's crazy how God is like that.


Keep it simple....silly. I love simple words. Because they are always straight forward and to the point. Telling you exactly what you need to hear at the exact moment in time.

Worship. My lifestyle.

I want to just lose myself in the presence of God every time I worship.

Completely giving everything of myself to Him.

That is my New Years resolution.

What's yours?

God Bless.